Tiltingweirs Drava – Hungary
KWT installed the first two tilting weirs of a range of deliveries in Hungary.
In Hungary was to need for mutiple large tilting weirs, to control the waterflow in certain areas. The weirs are needed to control the waterflow in a part with wetlands, partly to restore, and to support ecological agriculture and to overcome the consequences of drought due to climate change.
It’s a massive project, for waterflow control, in diversity and area.
The Hungarian contractor and local government chose for the KWT expertise in tilting weirs as part of Dutch water flow control.
The design of the tilting weir ( a typical Dutch design for flow control) and experience with the application of the EUROCODE were decesive to award the contract of the high quality production to KWT. As the consequences of any possible failure would be quite catastrophic.
For the currently placed tilting weirs of 5×5 meters, KWT had to design it to the high standard of consequential class CC2 according EN 1993 and fabrication class EXC-2, according EN 1090-2, with a design flow of 5.5m3/sec with 8 m3/sec as emergency situation.
To achieve this we had to control a substantial part of the welding, according to the EN 3834-2, with non-destructive research, verification and validation and maintain a quality file of the production according to the procedures. All used materials, weldings and passivation are provided with certificates for traceability and control.
KWT has engineered and manufactured the tilting weirs in the shop in Biddinghuizen (The Netherlands), pre-assembled and tested the titling weirs and then disassembled them for transportation by road to Hungary. As the complete tilting weirs were too large to allow them to transport on the road. In cooperation between the contractor and under supervision of KWT experts the tilting weirs were assembled and installed on site. Due to detailed preparation by our Project Management department the installation went as foreseen.
The clients are very satisfied with the results!